Category:Cognitive science
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Cognitive science.
Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary, scientific study of the mind and its processes. It examines the nature, the tasks, and the functions of cognition. Cognitive scientists study intelligence and behavior, with a focus on how nervous systems represent, process, and transform information.
This category has the following 25 subcategories, out of 25 total.
Pages in category "Cognitive science"
The following 184 pages are in this category, out of 184 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
- Candle problem
- Category utility
- Cognitive approaches to grammar
- Cognitive discourse analysis
- Cognitive inhibition
- Cognitive map
- Cognitive revolution
- Cognitive specialization
- Cognitive Systems Research
- Cognitive Theory of Inquiry Teaching
- Cognitive tradeoff hypothesis
- Cognitive tuning
- Cognitive warfare
- Cognitivism (psychology)
- Common coding theory
- Computational cognition
- Computational linguistics
- Computational neurogenetic modeling
- Computational semiotics
- Computational theory of mind
- Computational-representational understanding of mind
- Concept
- Conceptual combination
- Conceptual metaphor
- Congruence bias
- Connectionism
- Context-based model of minimal counterintuitiveness
- Contiguity (psychology)
- Critical period hypothesis
- Cross-battery assessment
- Crosslinguistic influence
- Cue validity
- East Pole–West Pole divide
- Einstellung effect
- Elicitation technique
- Embodied bilingual language
- Embodied cognition
- Embodied embedded cognition
- Empowerment (artificial intelligence)
- Enactivism
- Epidemiology of representations
- Executive dysfunction
- Expectation confirmation theory
- Extended mind thesis
- Eye movement in reading
- Eye movement in scene viewing
- Eye tracking
- Machiavellian intelligence hypothesis
- Macrocognition
- Malleability of intelligence
- Meaning (non-linguistic)
- Mechanism (philosophy)
- Mental model
- Mental operations
- Mental representation
- Mental rotation
- Mental timeline
- Mental world
- Meta-emotion
- Minimal counterintuitiveness effect
- Models of consciousness
- Modularity of mind
- The Modular Online Growth and Use of Language
- Motor imagery
- Multiple realizability
- Parallel individuation system
- Perception
- Perceptual load theory
- Perceptual vigilance
- Physical symbol system
- Planning (cognitive)
- Plant arithmetic
- Point of view (philosophy)
- Postdictable
- Preferential looking
- Presence (telepresence)
- Primary consciousness
- Probability matching
- Problem of mental causation
- Prosodic unit
- Protocol analysis
- Prototype theory
- Psychic apparatus
- Psychological effects of Internet use
- Schema (psychology)
- Scotophobin
- Semantic feature-comparison model
- Sense of agency
- Sense of ownership
- Sequence learning
- Simplicity theory
- Situated approach (artificial intelligence)
- Situated cognition
- Sleeper effect
- Social cognition
- Social cognitive neuroscience
- Social neuroscience
- Sociocognitive
- Spatial ability
- Spatial relation
- Spatial-numerical association of response codes
- Spatial–temporal reasoning
- Stimulus–response compatibility
- Subgoal labeling
- Symbol grounding problem
- Symbolic Systems Program