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Allows the result of a computation to be displayed and to be used as input for another computation. This intermediate value is not editable by the user.

Stepwise approximation of the square root of {{calculator|id=a|default=2|size=14}}: {{calculator|id=b1|formula=(1+a)/2|type=plain}} {{calculator|id=b2|formula=(b1+a/b1)/2|type=plain}} {{calculator|id=b3|formula=(b2+a/b2)/2|type=plain}} {{calculator|id=b4|formula=(b3+a/b3)/2|type=plain}} {{calculator|id=b5|formula=(b4+a/b4)/2|type=plain}} {{calculator|id=b6|formula=(b5+a/b5)/2|type=plain}} {{calculator|id=b7|formula=(b6+a/b6)/2|type=plain}} {{calculator|id=c|formula=sqrt(a)|type=plain}} - direct computation

Stepwise approximation of the square root of 2:

- direct computation



Allows editing a to adjust b, but b is still adjustable by the reader.

{{calculator|id=a|size=14}} +1 = {{calculator|id=b|formula=a+1|type=plain}} +1 =

{{calculator|id=b2|formula=b|size=14}} +1 = {{calculator|id=c|formula=b2+1|type=plain}} +1 =



Convert speed in m/s to speed in km/h, and conversely.

{{calculator|id=a|default=1|formula=b/3.6}} m/s = {{calculator|id=b|formula=a*3.6|default=3.6}} km/h1 m/s = 3.6 km/h


Protest in Central Jakarta
Protest in Central Jakarta

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VP: tech pol prop

/1 | /2 | /test page 1 | /test page 2 | wp

User:Patrick ns.

Google -- search in Wikipedia with Google -- search "wikipedia" with Google

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To make an interlanguage link in-page, prefix a colon (e.g. [[:en:wiki|wiki]]). This can e.g. be useful to link to a page in another language if no local version is available. See also some example templates for conveniently making such links:

  • {{nli|n}} - explicit "see" or "see also"
  • {{nlil|e|n}} - for linking to both en and nl
  • {{nlii|e|n}} - for linking to both en and nl, film etc.
  • {{nlis|n}} - just an nl-link relating to the text in front, but further independent of any text
  • {{nlinl|e|n}} - convenient if name the same on en and nl and for switching to and from nlil


  • e {{nlis|n}} gives e {{nlis|n}}
  • {{nlinl|e|n}} gives {{nlinl|e|n}}